Breath moves through me
like a serpent,
undulating my flesh along this land.
Breath moves through me
like the tide,
swirling the sea,
dancing through my translucent form.
Morning rain, falling all around,
fragrance of sweet, rich Earth.
Wind moves through the trees,
bare and lithe,
awaiting the breath of Life
to blossom them green
once more.
I, too, have been waiting for the
breath of Life
to blossom me green
and blue
and all shades of passion
and peace,
all textures of livingness.
I have been waiting for the spring rains
to flood my body
with their nourishing waters,
and to fill my heart's longing
with Love that knows no opposite.
The rains come
in torrents sometimes.
The river spills her banks,
and the water rages wildly,
purifying all that falls in her path.
Everything is washed away,
swept along in the
quickened currents
of the power of
Deep scars of change
are carved
into the landscape,
and searing pain
floods the memories
of all those who remember
a time
I touch my damp forehead to the
muddy riverbank.
Her waters have receded now.
I have been given my life
as a gift,
and now I return to the trees
in silent prayer.
The walls of my heart are shattered
as the song within me erupts,
There is no way to return to the way it was before.
Between this place of
and morning's faint light
is the seed of
God's fire.
Within the forest,
veils of light,
pink, green, blue.
I humbly accept her bounty,
and carefully wrap
this glowing ember
in these soft strands,
a cocoon.
Glow turns to smolder
as the sun's glorious rays burn through
the thick fog of early morning,
and the gauzy veils of
my heart's chrysalis
are burned away.
Stepping gently into the
full light of day,
my heart is flooded with
a love
that knows no opposite,
no beginning,
no end,
no object.
A love that
aches within these boundaries
of body,
yet pours forth within these limitations
because it knows no other way.
This love has become the torrents of
the river,
overflowing beyond her banks,
mere veins carved in stone,
and floods each and every corner of this land
until no place
no one
no thing
is left untouched.
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